According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services , over 23 million people in the United States suffer from addiction. Of that number, over 15 million are dependent on alcohol, around four million are dependent on drugs, and the remaining four million rely on a combination of both. Substance abuse claims an estimated 150,000 lives per year and costs the country over $200 billion annually. It is a problem shared collectively by a large percentage of the population, however it might not seem that way to those who are suffering.
Substance abuse is a deeply personal experience. Just like no two people are alike, neither are their addictions. Everyone has different reasons for picking up a habit, unique abuse triggers, and special consequences resulting from their actions. Each user also has their own motivations for wanting to quit. Because of that, recovering from an addiction is one of the most intimate struggles you can go through, but that doesn’t mean it’s a war you have to wage on your own.
At, we want to be allies in that fight. We believe that you can’t heal without help, and you can’t get that help if you don’t know where to look for it. Therefore, our mission is to provide you with all the resources you need to get on the road to recovery. If you or a loved one needs help getting sober, we’ve compiled a list of organizations with proven approaches to effectively treating both the symptoms and the causes of addiction. Whether you’re looking for traditional drug and alcohol treatment, a holistic approach to wellness, private residential programs, outpatient options, extended care facilities, or just an emotional support group, we can help guide you to the right organization to meet your specific needs.
For immediate help, you can call the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) National Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP. It is a free, confidential treatment referral and information service that is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. For everyone else, take some time to explore the resources listed below. They represent your best chances at achieving and maintaining sobriety.
Treatment Facilities
Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator: SAMHSA’s confidential and anonymous database for finding treatment services nationwide.
HRSA Health Center Locator: The Health Resources and Services Administration’s database for finding a health center near you. HRSA health centers are nonprofit or public facilities that provide healthcare to underserved populations regardless of their ability to pay. Many centers also provide substance abuse services.
Alcohol Recovery Information
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism: A division of the National Institute of Health focusing exclusively on alcohol-related issues. They offer a wealth of information on alcohol use, abuse, and treatment.
Alcohol and Your Health: An NIAAA website dedicated to educating people on the specific health effects of alcohol and alcoholism.
MEDLINEplus Health Information on Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse: Helpful information on alcohol abuse and treatment options compiled by the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
Drug Recovery Information
National Institute on Drug Abuse: A division of the National Institute of Health focusing exclusively on drug-related issues. They offer a wealth of information on drug use, abuse, and treatment.
American Society of Addiction Medicine: An organization of medical professionals specializing in opioid addiction treatment. They provide useful information for both patients and their families, as well as information for finding treatment.
MEDLINEplus Health Information on Drug Abuse: Helpful information on drug abuse and treatment options compiled by the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
Above the Influence: An Office of National Drug Control Policy website dedicated to educating teens on the dangers of drug use, as well as providing resources and treatment information for those with an addiction.
National Alliance of Advocates for Buprenorphine Treatment: An organization dedicated to advocating for the medical treatment of opioid addiction. They provide a wide variety of educational materials and information on finding treatment centers nationwide.
National Alliance for Medication Assisted Recovery: An organization dedicated to advocating for the medical treatment of narcotic addiction. They provide a wide variety of educational materials and contact information for state-level chapters that can help you find treatment facilities in your area.
General Addiction Information
American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry: An organization of psychiatrists dedicated to helping those with all substance abuse issues. They offer a large variety of helpful resources, as well as a searchable database for finding a treatment professional near you.
Addiction Insurance Help: A U.S. Department of Health and Human Services site dedicated to answering questions related to health insurance and addiction services.
Support groups
Adult Children of Alcoholics: Mutual support for the adult children of alcoholics.
Alcoholics Anonymous: Mutual support for alcohol abusers.
Al-Anon Family Groups: Mutual support for family members of alcoholics.
Cocaine Anonymous: Mutual support for cocaine users.
Dual Recovery Anonymous: Mutual support for those suffering from both alcohol and drug abuse.
LifeRing: Mutual support for those struggling with addiction to alcohol or recreational drugs.
Marijuana Anonymous: Mutual support for marijuana users.
Narcotics Anonymous: Mutual support for those addicted to any narcotic.
National Association for Children of Alcoholics: Mutual support for the young children and teenagers of alcoholics.
Secular Organizations for Sobriety: A network of alcohol and drug addiction support groups with no religious affiliation.
SMART Recovery: Mutual support for people with all types of addictions and addictive behaviors.
Support Group Project: A large, nationwide network of mutual support groups for all types of addiction.
Women for Sobriety, Inc.: Mutual support exclusively for women looking to overcome alcoholism and other addictions.